MIJ LOGO (White Background)


News and Announcement


Calling for Reviewers

We are constantly seeking for highly qualified external reviewers around the globe to join us. To those who are interested, please email your CV to us or to the Chief Editor at  suray078@uitm.edu.my.
21st Feb 2020


MIJ New Template

We would like to inform that MIJ uses a new version of template publication for the articles published since Volume 3 Issue 2. Please get the latest template at   https://mijuitm.com.my/submission/
13th Jan 2022


Mathematical Sciences and Informatics Journal(MIJ) vs Multidisciplinary Informatics Journal (MIJ)

Please be informed that the Mathematical Sciences and Informatics Journal (MIJ) is a different journal publisher from Multidisciplinary Informatics Journal (MIJ). The Multidisciplinary Informatics Journal is not under the publication of UiTM Press (discontinued since 2020). However, all publication archives of Multidisciplinary Informatics Journal can be accessed via https://mijournal.wixsite.com/index/.

18th Oct 2022


New website for Mathematical Sciences and Informatics Journal(MIJ) 

Please be informed that the old websites of Mathematical Sciences and Informatics Journal (MIJ) at https://mijuitmjournal.com has been replaced with the new websites at https//mijuitm.com.my since May 2023. 

1st May 2023


MIJ now is MyCite-indexing


 Delighted to share this exciting new that the Mathematical Sciences and Informatics Journal (MIJ) has achieved MyCite indexing. Feel free to read and cite our collections.

7th Dec 2023