All accepted papers will be available electronically online.
Bibliographic Information
eISSN : 2735-0703
Publisher: UiTM Press
Publication frequency : Two times per year
(May & November ). Only the first Vol1. Issue1 published in August 2020.
Language: English, Malay
Article Processing fee : None

All manuscripts submitted to MIJ will undergo a double-blind peer review process conducted by expert reviewers from both local and international backgrounds. The publication timeline for accepted manuscripts ranges from two to six months starting from the submission date.

MIJ is an open access journal and free of charge for both authors and readers. All articles published by MIJ are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication, without subscription charges or registration barriers.
Articles published in MIJ are copyrighted under the terms as the following:
1)All the articles published in Vol.1-Issue1, Vol.1-Issue2, Vol.2-Issue1, Vol.2-Issue2 and Vol.3-Issue1 are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0

2)All articles started from Vol.3-Issue2 and onward are copyrighted under the terms of

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